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Ouwesh Seeroo

Associate Software Engineer

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About Me

Being a computer science undergraduate, I'm enthusiastically looking for challenging work experience to enhance my existing knowledge and skills. I believe I can contribute significantly to the firm if given the chance.

Latest Projects

project name

Android AR Based Application

This project aims at developing an augmented reality application for the national motor museum located in England. AR applications implementation varies in multiple domains like construction, automobile and medical. Many organisation are taking advantage of mobile AR application as it is easy to implement and requires fewer physical materials which save the overall budget for a particular project.

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Karaoke Application (Java FX)

In this project Java FX was used to devlop a Karaoke Application where a songlist was importd from a file. This project includes algorithms and data structure

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Snake Game

This project is a snake game from scratch using javascript and enables user to register and login. It also keeps track of user scores.

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Other Projects

Travelling Salesman Problem (JAVA) Algorithms

This project solves the traveling salesman problem using Genetic Algorithms using JAVA

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Classifying UCI Digits (JAVA) Machine Learning

This project provides a solution to classify handwritten digits using MLP and Confusion Matrix.

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Distance Monitor Ardunio

This project devlops a distance monitoring using Ardunio and Python for simulating LEDS

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Work Experience

Associate Software Engineer ELCA Technology LTD 08/2021 – Present

Currently working as a backend developer in a migration project (JBoss to Widefly)

Web Devlopper Navigation & Geotechnologies LTD 07/2019 – 09/2019

Building UI , Fixing bugs & adding features to front end

Student Learning Assistant Middlesex University Mauritius 09/2020 – 05/2021

Improving students academic skills and practice, provide guidance to students in their coursework

Volunteer Experience

Developer Student Club Lead 08/2020 – 07/2021

Google Developer Student Club Campus Lead at Middlesex University

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador - beta 09/2018 – Present

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador at Middlesex University

Middlesex University (LaunchTech Society) 10/2019 – 07/2021

President & Co-Founder

My GitHub

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